Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wanted to try a new style of snatch today, the split snatch, pretty self explanatory but basically after the final pull you drop into a low split stance for the catch....think split jerk.

Split Snatch
155x2 (pr!!)

6 Rounds for time
5 Back Squats - 185
8 Pullups
Time: 11:08

LOOVED that style of snatch, I don't care if I sound arrogant I know I have a good level of athleticism and am fairly coordinated, because of that I was able to drop low into the split stance, very low (but not as low at the picture).  Much lower than a split jerk my back knee almost touched the floor, I had to have fast feet for that.  155 is a very nice pr, the first rep would be legal in crossfit standards, but not in olympic standards as there was a slight pressout, the second rep was caught with straight arms and I stood up proudly, felt amazing.  All sets were resetting between each one.  The second part was decently hard, random so wasn't sure on weight on numbers but in the end it went well, back squats never broken but the pullups were after round one.    Good workout!

EDIT:  Okay this is just weird, I looked into the split snatch a lot, finding only old info as it seemed to be on the backside, but then I signed into crossfit and found they posted a workout for heavy singles in the split snatch, in the years I have followed that website I have yet to see that workout....say day I try them for the first time....odd.

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