Friday, January 13, 2012

Legs and core

Time between clients, why not workout, who cares I worked out yesterday.  Back squats?  Sure why not, still sticking with HBBS olympic style.

Back Squats

Overhead Situps

Awesome, still loving going heavy on these hamstring to calf back squats, 235 was feeling pretty good by the end, for now will still keep it at sets of 5 reps.  I was slightly worried about my back due to the posterior chain work done yesterday, but my back was not sore and I really took my time warming up, doing slow and controlled reps for 10 at 95 pounds, holding the bottom for a second or 2 that really helps open up my hips.  Also this is the first time I have started with back squats, usually doing some other leg exercise first as that way I am more warmed up, good sign.  I was going to do weighted situps, but overheard situps hit the shoulders a bit too, I was surprised I got up to 45 pounds, even if I couldn't do 10 reps, good simple workout.


  1. Did you see Lipson's WOD demo yesterday? I wasn't aware of the difference between HBBS and LBBS until I watched the video (i.e. training quads or glutes). It was interesting to see the difference between his squats and Orlando's, particularly the depth. It looks like Lipson only just gets to parallel, albeit with half a car on his back.

  2. Both Rob and Dave are doing LBBS (which I never do) but Rob chooses to hit full rom while dave chooses to just break parallel, while Lipson is stronger than Rob for lower body anyways, it's not by that large of a margin. Lipson's style is ideal for powerlifting, as there requirements are simply to break parallel.

    This is a good example of the one of the most badass HBBS squats I have ever seen, I can't even fathom getting that deep with that much weight on my back.
