Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Full Body
Decided to revisit an old strength style routine, where each set is timed, I've done that with squats and deads and clean, this time was the squat clean one, 5 reps at each set.
The time in brackets was my older times.
Squat Cleans (for time)
135 - 18 seconds (19 seconds)
155 - 21 seconds (26 seconds)
175 - 27 seconds (32 seconds)
185 - 42 seconds (1:08)
205 - 3:48 (5:11)
Cable Flies- 40x10, 50x10, 60x10, 70x7
Cable Bench Press - 40x10, 50x10, 60x10, 70x4
I am very pleased with those times, the set at 135 is basically the same, but really how fast could I go they were all touch and go. I pushed it more this time, the sets at 155 and 175 were all touch and go as well. The set at 185 was all resetting last time, this time was touch and go for 3, then 2, so that makes up for the better time. The set at 205 was the real challenge, both times all sets were dump and reset, but last time I failed 2 so I knew if I could correct that I'd be better. I still failed a rep, but only one and I was much faster, very pleased with that it shows my squat clean has improved a lot, which is good. Damn that 205 feels heavy.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Full Body
This morning I had a client go for a one rep max sumo deadlift, prior to it I told him I believe it'd be within 10 pounds of his conventional, in my head thinking 10 pounds more, I was wrong it was 20 pounds more, lets see how it goes for me.
Sumo Deadlifts
Alternate Sets
C2B Neutral Grip Pullups - 5xmax reps.......11, 9, 7, 7, 7
Cable Bench Press - 5x10.....all at 80
BOO YA, that is pure awesomeness I am very happy with that lift. I guess I equalled my client in terms in difference (one 1RM conventional is 425), but still beat him by plenty of weight :). I also remember that 425 lift with conventional and while I don't have a video I really didn't like my form, this time my form felt (and looked) solid. After the 425 lift I thought I should go to 435, but after watching the video I decided to go right to 445, in my head thinking I may just be getting greedy with the weights. I was nervous attempting but pleased as hell when I locked it out. Watch the magic here;
I paused the music just to hear the sounds I felt I had to make to lift this weight. Awesome feeling!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Legs ish
Still not 100%, but wanted to try some heavy lower body stuff.
Box Back Squats
Sumo Deadlifts
Felt awesome, I haven't done box back squats in a while but I do like them, they require less time warming up than hamstring to calf squats. 245 felt heavy, I really focussed on staying upright, I do feel it in my quads quite a bit. I haven't done much sumo deadlifting lately, all sets were resetting each time, because of that I am pleased I was able to do 355 for 3 reps it was fairly heavy by the end though. Felt nice to lift some heavy stuff again.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
post sick workout
I seemed to have caught a stomach flu, it left me lazing around the house all day on Monday, taking the entire day off work which is rare for me, and while I feel better now I'm still recovering, I wanted to try a light workout as I was feeling too restless because of not working out since Sunday, something easy though. It went better than expected.
Cable Bench Press
Underhand Pulldowns
Alternate Sets
Leg Extension - 12, 12, 12, 12..........155, 185, 215, 245
Hamstring Curl - 12, 12, 12, 12........70, 80, 90, 90(9)
I was able to heavy go on every exercise and push the limits of what I was able to handle, and it was nice I wasn't left a exhausted mess afterwards like I usually work following a post sick workout. My eating on Monday was next to nothing, but yesterday and today was relatively normal which is good. I hope tomorrow to be feeling better to try some deads or squats.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Upper body
Went with dad today and he was only doing a quick workout, and I wanted some upper body stuff that was okay for my elbow.
Alternate Sets
Cable Bench Press - 60x10, 70x10, 80x10, 90x8
Wide Grip Pullups - 4x10
Lateral Raises - 22sx10, 25sx10, 25sx10, 25sx10
Inverted Rows, neutral Grip - 4x10
Overall it felt pretty good, elbow was fine, pullups went well, and I had forgotten about cable bench press, the angle makes it okay for my elbow for whatever reason and my chest burned.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I was asked the other day about what motivates me to workout and try to stay healthy, I decided to try and make a movie about it. It can be found on my youtube, it took a lot of work, and I hope it can help to motivate someone else out there too.
Full Body
First time in a while I got up early for a workout and not a client, but I know Im not working out tomorrow so I wanted to get one in today.
Snatch Grip Deadlifts
Alternate Sets
C2B Neutral Grip Pullups - 4xrelative max reps.......8, 7, 6, 6
DB Chest Fly - 10, 10, 10, 10........35, 40, 45, 50
That's good for 3 reasons, one my 5RM for conventional deadlifts is 315, and snatch grip is much harder, 2 when I did snatch grips the last time I got 315 for 3 reps, and 3 I hate doing deads or squats first thing after waking up I am simply stiff. I felt that stiffness through most of the sets but I powered through, the last set at 315 was flipping close, I did use straps. The pullups felt good, as did the flies.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Kill time workout
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My Kind of Girl |
This was a kill time workout after a client cancelled, I was exhausted from being one hour short of a 12 hour day, but why not do some power cleans. No intention of going for a max weight.
Power Cleans
All sets were resetting each time, the last few sets at 225 was more 4 sets of 1 as I rested like a regular set between each one. My form was okay, but my head was not in the game today just too tired I was up since 5am and did this workout at 6pm, either way on a day where I hadn't intended on working out cleaning 225 4 times isn't anything to scoff at.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Wanted to try a new style of snatch today, the split snatch, pretty self explanatory but basically after the final pull you drop into a low split stance for the catch....think split jerk.
Split Snatch
155x2 (pr!!)
6 Rounds for time
5 Back Squats - 185
8 Pullups
Time: 11:08
LOOVED that style of snatch, I don't care if I sound arrogant I know I have a good level of athleticism and am fairly coordinated, because of that I was able to drop low into the split stance, very low (but not as low at the picture). Much lower than a split jerk my back knee almost touched the floor, I had to have fast feet for that. 155 is a very nice pr, the first rep would be legal in crossfit standards, but not in olympic standards as there was a slight pressout, the second rep was caught with straight arms and I stood up proudly, felt amazing. All sets were resetting between each one. The second part was decently hard, random so wasn't sure on weight on numbers but in the end it went well, back squats never broken but the pullups were after round one. Good workout!
EDIT: Okay this is just weird, I looked into the split snatch a lot, finding only old info as it seemed to be on the backside, but then I signed into crossfit and found they posted a workout for heavy singles in the split snatch, in the years I have followed that website I have yet to see that workout....say day I try them for the first time....odd.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Birthday Conditioning
Me, regaining my thoughts |
4 Rounds for time
6 Squat Cleans - 185
10 Kipping Pullups
10 Burpees
10 KB Swings - 24 kg
10 Bench Supported Lateral Hops - 30 inches (10 total)
Time: 25:20
And my time seems to reflect that, I've never done this workout before but that feels very slow. The swings and lateral hops weren't too bad, never broken, the burpees turned into slow motion and sucked badly, the pullups were broken after round 1 but not as bad as the burpees. The squat cleans killed me, I figured 185 would feel heavy but they took the life out of me, very tough. I got a video of the first and last round on my youtube channel, and you'll notice I take some longer than usual breaks on that 4th rounds of squat cleans, while I maybe could have gone I didn't want to risk any failed reps as that would have added more to my time. I was done after this, nothing left so I called it a day.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Legs and core
Time between clients, why not workout, who cares I worked out yesterday. Back squats? Sure why not, still sticking with HBBS olympic style.
Back Squats
Overhead Situps
Awesome, still loving going heavy on these hamstring to calf back squats, 235 was feeling pretty good by the end, for now will still keep it at sets of 5 reps. I was slightly worried about my back due to the posterior chain work done yesterday, but my back was not sore and I really took my time warming up, doing slow and controlled reps for 10 at 95 pounds, holding the bottom for a second or 2 that really helps open up my hips. Also this is the first time I have started with back squats, usually doing some other leg exercise first as that way I am more warmed up, good sign. I was going to do weighted situps, but overheard situps hit the shoulders a bit too, I was surprised I got up to 45 pounds, even if I couldn't do 10 reps, good simple workout.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Full Body
Decided to test my elbow out a bit more today.
Alternate Sets
Power Cleans (touch and go) Pullups
135x3 10
155x3 8
175x3 8
185x3 7
195x3 7
Alternate Sets
Power Snatch (touch and go) Cable Flies
95x3 50x10
105x3 60x10
115x3 60x10
120x3 60x10
125x3 60x10
I really liked this workout, Tuesday I did touch and go squat cleans and this weight was identical, which did surprise me a bit but still glad. My max squat clean is higher than power but this was definately getting close by the end. I paired them with relative max rep pullups, so my grip had to work but they weren't super sets so I took my time, elbow didn't feel a thing on those pullups. The power snatches got really close by the end, I felt I was doing better at dropping below the bar as the weight got heavy, the cable flies were again to work my chest as bench or pushups currently affect my elbow. The power snatches normally would too, but today they were fine.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Full Body ish
Because my actual Birthday will potentially be too busy to workout (so my friends say) I decided to do something different, do smaller routines birthday inspired up till the day, first one was today, deadlifts :).
For time
24 Deadlifts - 315
Time - 5:24
Squat Cleans (touch and go)
For the deadlifts I wanted to move as fast as possible, so I opted for straps. The sets broke down into 8-7-6-3, and were touch and go. My hamstrings and lower back were burning, I was actually happy with doing this that fast, I rested maybe a bit too long between sets but the weight was heavy so I didn't want to take too many breaks and make use of the touch and go, which I did, good thing I am only turning 24. The squat cleans I have done this way before and wanted to see if I could match my weight the last time. Last time I started with them, the deadlifts fatiqued me so matching it would be good and I did. 195 felt heavy for the 3 reps too, but was happy with overall workout.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Today I am pretty sore, 90% of that soreness is my quads which I actually like because they almost never get sore. I went into the gym today and continued my experiment, an experiment I will keep a secret till it's over which will be 20 days starting yesterday.
My soreness isn't crippling, it's weird normally when I get DOMS it's the next day or 2 days after, not right when I finish the workout, I was more sore yesterday than I am today. The gym, other than my experiment and plenty of stretching also included it.
3 Rounds of
5 Power Cleans - 135
5 Back Squats - 135
No time limit, rest as needed between rounds, performed like a complex so I didn't let go of the bar. This was more to activate my legs, and while 135 felt heavier than it normally would, I was still able to reach hamstring to calf depth and it wasn't too bad. Tomorrow is a rest day, minus my experiment which is an everyday thing.
My soreness isn't crippling, it's weird normally when I get DOMS it's the next day or 2 days after, not right when I finish the workout, I was more sore yesterday than I am today. The gym, other than my experiment and plenty of stretching also included it.
3 Rounds of
5 Power Cleans - 135
5 Back Squats - 135
No time limit, rest as needed between rounds, performed like a complex so I didn't let go of the bar. This was more to activate my legs, and while 135 felt heavier than it normally would, I was still able to reach hamstring to calf depth and it wasn't too bad. Tomorrow is a rest day, minus my experiment which is an everyday thing.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Full body
Decided to tackle another heavy metcon today, they are fun and challenging and hell, it shows off the strength I've worked hard to get. Instead of finding one on crossfit, crossfitfootball, or the forums, I decided to create my own, predicting it to be leg intensive.
5-4-3-2-1 reps for time
Squat Cleans - 185
Back Squats - 225
*In each round between the 2 exercises perform 10 box jumps at 30 inches
Time: 15:54
Kipping Pullups - 3xmax reps..........20, 12, 10
Cable Flies - 10, 10, 10.....40, 60, 60
From the best of my recollection, this stands as one of the most painful leg workouts I have ever done. Normally after a leg workout that's extra hard I walk funny, and at times the rest of the day I risk cramping in my quads, this time that potential cramping actually started DURING the workout. I fear how my quads will feel tomorrow typing this now, 3 hours after the routine they are simply aching it's hard to move normally. The routine was decieving, the squats cleans were what I predicted, hard, the box jumps were harder than anticipated my legs have no go in them very quicky after the other 2 and a total of 50 became painful. The back squats were very hard too but much harder than predicted, that weight was flipping heavy after everything else. The kipping pullups and flies were just to add some upper body stuff.
Most of the heavy metcon workout, as well as my first set of kipping pullups can be found on my youtube channel.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Mostly Legs
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Jay Rhodes |
Pause Front Squats
235x2 (pr)
Speed Back Squats
Machine Fly - 10, 10, 10, 10.......80, 90, 100, 110(7)
Last time I tried the pause squats I got up to 225, and that felt insanely heavy, I was going to try and match it initially but once I did 225 I want to see if 235 was possible, close but still good. I like this style of squats, much harder than regular. I may not know what true speed squats are, but this is my version. At no point can you stand up and pause, you must squat continuously for the entire set. Ben smith, third place crossfit finisher, does them at 1:30 in the video below,
They really burned, not allowing myself to stand up and pause made the sets fast but painful I liked them, I was also surprised I got up to 195. The machine fly's was to hit my chest a bit, no other reason.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Mostly Legs
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I know I've posted this picture before, but it's just so damn cool |
Front Squats - 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 205x5
Jump Squats - 90x8, 90x8, 90x8, 90x8
Romanian Deadlifts - 205x5, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5
Natural Glute Ham Raises - 4 sets of 8
C2B Neutral Grip Pullups - 4x6....bw
That first pairing hurt like crazy, the jump squats at 90 pounds is pretty light but not so much after the front squats. I tried to keep the jump squats continuous, but the last 2 sets I did stop at 6 reps, not broken up just stood there for a sec. I was pleased I was still able to get up to 205 for 5 reps. I haven't done romanian deadlifts in a while and could have gone heavier but wanted to focus on good form, it worked I could really feel my hamstrings working, that made the glute ham raises much more painful than they already are. I also wanted to try some pullups again, as my elbow only hurts on pushing, so pullups are still okay, they felt fine too.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
I bet a lot of people would call me stupid for the workout below, it was zero degrees, raining, and windy as hell out.....who cares those people don't understand.
4 Rounds for time
Around the block Run - just over 400 metres
20 Jump Lunges (20 per leg)
15 Box Jumps onto picnic table - about 26.5 inches
20 Kettlebell Swings - 24 kg
Time: 28:36
What a way to start off the new year, in conditions very unlike January the 1st. Conditioning isn't something I have done much of lately, but they are fun from time to time. I would have wanted to go into the gym, it was closed but I do have the key, just that my boss would be there cleaning up from a party so I decided a backyard workout would suffice. The run winded me, just over 400 metres as I kept going into my backyard for the other stuff. The box jumps were decieving, my legs were very heavy after those jump lunges. Overall it was very tough and taxing, and I was still very sore but it loosened me up after the first round.
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