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Myself.....makes sense being this is my blog |
I call today the angry workout, and it finished with an angry lift, this is what happened.
3 Position Power Snatch
From Floor - Low Hang - High Hang
High Hang - Low Hang - From Floor
Trap Bar Deadlift (tough and go)
440x1 (pr)
That's it, I'll get to the pr shortly. The snatches require some explaining as it's the first time it's shown up in my blog. I started with from the ground and ended with a high hang, low hang it right at my knees, high hang being just a minor dip which is how most do cleans and snatches from when using the hang position. The first 3 sets didn't feel right, then I used common sense, knowing I am stronger from the floor, so I figured I should be ending with that position, when I switched it did feel more natural and allowed me to finish at 125. I avoided pressouts I really tried to focus on speed today. The trap bar deadlifts was the angry lift, for reasons I'll leave to myself I wasn't in the best of moods today, and wanted to lift heavy shit, the lift I can lift the most on is the deadlift. The style I lift the most on is either sumo or trap bar, being I haven't done trap bar in a while I picked that. As you can tell from the sets I made massive increases in weight, that went with the angry part, that's something I next to never do when going for a 1RM, especially on a move like the deadlift. 400 was my old pr, and my back was nice and straight as I have a video of it, I took a video of the set at 400 today too and my back was again straight. So in my angry head I decided to go for a pr, but for some fucking reason I wanted it to be a FOURTY fucking pound pr, why.....because that's 8 plates (4 per side) on the trap bar....and it's looks cool, yup that's my only reason. Well, the lift was successful, a 40 pound pr is massive (keep in mind I haven't gone for a pr on trap bar deads in months), but I felt my form sucked....luckily I did video it and while it wasn't as bad as it felt, it still wasn't good. Glad my angry workout didn't hurt me, but hell a 40 pound pr, shitty form or not....gave me one heck of a boost....I then proceeded into the parking lot to flip over cars....well not really but it gave that feeling :).
Here is my so so form on the trap bar deadlift.