Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Deadlifts and core

Today I had no intention of working out, then Eric walked in and asked if I was working out, sure why not, I was done earlier than usual for the day.  Even better, I decided to try and pr my deadlifts.

425x1 (pr)

75 Hollow Rocks

Oh man was that last set heavy, and while I don't have a video I do feel my form suffered, maybe I shouldn't have gone for such a big jump, 20 pound pr is pretty large.  Either way, it was completed, and 425 is something I am very proud of.  All the sets were done with a mixed grip till the last one, at 405 I felt my grip slip a bit, so I grabbed some straps for 425, it almost seemed to mess up my pattern but either way that's 20 pound improvement on a day I didn't even intend on working out.  The hollow rocks were hard, my abs were a bit sore from yesterday, not timed just moved as fast as possible.  Good feeling workout!

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