Saturday, November 13, 2010

Olympic Lifting and core

Tommy Hackenbruck
I was going to wait till Monday to start posting my workouts, but why not start today.  Saturdays are typically my lighter days, when I say lighter I simply mean shorter, the intensity doesn't really change.

50 Back Extensions

Clean and Jerk - 135
10 sets of 3

15 leg drops

Very short and sweet.  The 50 back extensions was more to get warmed up, my back was sore from a previous few workouts.  Also I had planned on doing heavy deadlifts today, but didn't want to risk the back any further so switched to clean and jerk.  I kept the load light and focused on form, moving that bar as fast as possible, I used a split jerk.  I also kept the rests short so my heart rate got up too.  Not a bad workout for a Saturday.

Leg drops are where you hang from a bar, swing your legs so your shins are against the bar, straighten your legs and as slow as possible lower your legs back to the hanging position.  The last few they felt like they were dropping, it's a tough exercise for me.

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