Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 30, 2010
Lack of posts isnt because I stopped working out, well I did but because I am trying to recover from a stomach bug, throwing up and having the desire to eat only crackers has left me sluggish and blah feeling. Hopefully I will be back to my regular workout regime in no time.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Free day
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Pat Barber |
Rack Jerk - 3, 3, 3, 2, 2.......75, 95, 115, 135, 155
That's it, I'll be doing lots of stretching throughout the day to help my back but that was it for weights. Rack jerks are like a push jerk but you start on your back as if you were doing a back squat. Because lowering the weight to my neck was less than comfortable I may do singles of this exercise when I decide to do it again. The bar moved fast even on the last set, but I could feel my back acting up so I decided to stop there and rest. The weight was light, I another exercise where if I were to go for max weight I'd need bumper plates.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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Graham Holmberg |
54 Floor Presses - 16 kg
54 Squat Cleans - 16 kg (27 per side)
5 Turkish Getups per side - 16 kg
54 Strokes on the rower - about 400 metres
450 metre row
54 Push Presses - 16 kg (that one was tough)
54 Goblet Jump Squats - 16 kg
4 Turkish Getups per side - 16 kg
200 metre row, 150 metre row and 2 100 metre row intervals
54 Alternating Swings - 16 kg (27 per side)
54 Russian Twists - 16 kg
54 Through the leg Swing - 16 kg
3 Turkish Getups per side - 20 kg
It was very tough, everything hurt at some point, but the atmosphere was great and it was a lot of fun.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Josh Everett performing a 341 lb clean and jerk |
Underhand Pulldowns - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3........190, 200, 210, 220, 230
25 Chest to Bar Chinups
AMRAP in 12 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Inverted Rows
6 Rounds plus 5 pullups
Wall Curls - 3x10........25s on all sets
I don't normally do pulldowns but feel it's an effective assistance exercise to weighted pullups, plus it's nice to not always have to strap heavy dumbbells to me. My grip and arms were shot during part 3, but overall it all felt good.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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Matt Chan |
Incline Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.....150, 155, 160, 165, 170
Incline Bench Press - 25 total reps at 135
6 Rounds for time
3 Handstand Pushups
10 Pushups
Time: 12:28
Overhead Rope Extensions - 3x10.......80 on all sets
Last rep of last set on incline bench press was close, glad I asked for a spot, didn't need him but for peace of mind. Part 2 was broken into sets of 6 and 5 mainly, part 3 sucked. Round 1 went unbroken, from then on I was lucky to get 2 HSPU at a time, plenty of singles, pushups were never broken but make the HSPU a lot harder than they normally would.
Monday, November 22, 2010
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James "OPT" Fitzgerald |
Front Squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3........175, 195, 215, 225, 235
10 Rounds for time
3 Front Squats - 135
5 Back Squats - 135
Time: 15:55
For time
50 Travelling Lunges - 50s (25 per leg)
Time: 6:43
Leg Extension (slow negatives) - 3x6......110
I am very happy that I was able to get 235 on the front squats, they are progressing nicely since I switched back to hips below parallel (on ALL squatting exercises), not just to parallel. Not only that I had no spot, I put the safety bars in the power cage up higher but was still nervous of failing, rep 3 of set 5 was a slow moving rep. Part 2 felt awesome too, the first few sets felt nice and light on account of it being 100 pounds lighter than part 1, that feeling didn't last. That is exactly 5 minutes faster than last time, but last time I had done just a little extra prior, still happy with faster time though. Part 3 was partly interrupted, but still good.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Posterior Chain
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Jason Khalipa |
Deadlifts - 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3.........135, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 285 (PR)
For time
30 Deadlifts - 135
30 Sumo Deadlifts - 135
Time: 5:36
Hamstring Curls - 3x10.......70 on all sets
My hamstrings were pretty toast after this workout. I`m always cautious on deadlifts because of back problems in the past, but today felt good, I could have gone heavier than 285 but my form would start to slip so I made the decision to stop there.
Friday, November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010
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Chris Spealler |
This is a great article for people looking to add mass, as long as they aren't afraid to add a little fat.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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Dave Lipson |
AMRAP 4 minutes - 10 KB Swings, 10 KB Tricep extensions (20 kg)
AMRAP 4 minutes - 10 KB Power Cleans, 10 KB Push Presses (16 kg, 2 of them)
Row 10 strokes on rowing machine, once 10 strokes is complete do 12 alternate KB swings (6 per side, 20 kg), continue until 600 metres has been covered.
AMRAP 4 minutes - 10 Legs elevated Floor press (16 kg), 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (20 kg)
Row - 3 sets of 150 metre sprints (28, 29, 29 seconds per sprint)
AMRAP 4 minutes - 12 through the leg swing, 12 reverse lunges (20 kg, 6 per side)
3 Rounds - 20 Floor presses (16 kg, classes choice), 10 calories on rower
I believe that is it, it was a tough class, as usual. The emphasis seemed to be on my arms today for the kettlebell portion, the rower usually gets my quads anyway. Good class!
After my class I polished off a big bowl of lamb and rice, mmmm!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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Rich Froning Jr. |
Weighted Pullups - 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1........45, 50, 60, 65, 75, 75, 75 (little kip on last set)
Pullups - 4x relative max reps......10, 9, 7 6
For time;
60 DB Single Arm Rows - 70 (60 per arm)
Time: 12:00
Preacher Curls - 3x10........50 on all sets
For the weighted pullups I wanted to keep strict form, on the last set the kip sort of came out of no where so technically I wouldn't count that single. Pullups feel nice and light when removing the weight. For the rows I decided to break it down to 12 sets of 5, seemed work pretty well.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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Mikko Salo |
Dumbbell Military Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.........50s, 55s, 60s, 65s, 65s(2)
Dumbbell Push Jerk - 20 reps with the 65s
AMRAP in 12 minutes;
10 Hammer Strength Bench Press - 90 (45 per side)
10 Pushups
6 Rounds plus 10 HSBP
Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 3x10.........70 on all 3 sets
The dumbbell military press got heavy, I just barely got 2 on the last set, it felt good though. My stability on the DB push jerk was shakey because I haven't really gone heavier than the 50s (using 2 DB's that is) but I got it down pretty quick and was able to drive the DB's overheard with no lockouts, 20 reps broke down to 4 sets. The AMRAP started unbroken, that didn't last long at all, I don't usually use the Hammer Strength but sometimes I feel it's ok to throw it in.
Monday, November 15, 2010
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Jeff Leonard on an Overhead Lunge |
90 Travelling Lunges - 50 pound dumbbells (90 total steps, 45 per leg)
30 Front Squats - 135
Everytime you have to re-rack the bar, perform 10 air squats
4 breaks (40 squats)
2 Rounds for time
10 Squat Cleans - 135
20 Back Squats - 135
30 Jump Squats
Time: 21:22 (forgot to start timer till 5 Squat cleans were complete)
Part one averaged about 14 or 16 steps per set, so about 6 sets to get to 90 reps, not too bad, next time I'll do 100. The front squats got hard on part 2, but the air squats didn't really slow me down much, sets went 8-7-6-5-4. Part 3 was hard, squat cleans take your wind out and fire up your legs (in my case already hurting). The rest was just time consuming and hard to do while I was trying to breathe and ignore my burning legs. Felt great to get it done, all squatting exercises were hamstrings to calf, back knee touches ground on lunges.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Olympic Lifting and core
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Tommy Hackenbruck |
50 Back Extensions
Clean and Jerk - 135
10 sets of 3
15 leg drops
Very short and sweet. The 50 back extensions was more to get warmed up, my back was sore from a previous few workouts. Also I had planned on doing heavy deadlifts today, but didn't want to risk the back any further so switched to clean and jerk. I kept the load light and focused on form, moving that bar as fast as possible, I used a split jerk. I also kept the rests short so my heart rate got up too. Not a bad workout for a Saturday.
Leg drops are where you hang from a bar, swing your legs so your shins are against the bar, straighten your legs and as slow as possible lower your legs back to the hanging position. The last few they felt like they were dropping, it's a tough exercise for me.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Current stats
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One of my inspirations to be a better athlete, Rob Orlando on a rope climb! |
Age - 22
Height - 6'3
Weight - 180, my weight fluctuates, I am actually closer to 185 when I workout (shoes and clothes) but figure this is a more real number.
Best lifts;
Decline Bench Press - 235 for 3 reps (I hate flat barbell bench, so I either do incline or this)
Cable Row - 200 for 2 reps (very close to pulling in 3, absolutely no momentum allowed)
Military Press - 145 for 2 reps
Push Press - 220 for 1 rep (haven't worked on this in a while)
Weighted Chin up - BW plus 80 pounds for 3 reps
Weighted Pull up - BW plus 75 pounds for 1 rep
Front Squat - 225 for 3 reps
Deadlift - 245 for 5 reps (this lift sucks because I am just now working on going heavy again, this particular lift was sumo style)
Clean and Jerk - 205 for 1 rep (but I've cleaned 215)
Snatch - 135 (I rarely work on this lift)
50 Pullups and 100 pushups in 9:25 (nice little upper body bodyweight test)
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