Sunday, January 11, 2015

Posterior Chain

There are some workouts that stand out in your mind, I went into this workout hoping it would be one of them, a milestone deadlift I didn't know if I would ever hit.

Trap Bar Deadlift (all resetting)
warm up
work sets
500x1 (pr!!!!!)

Natural Glute ham Raises - 3x6 with slow eccentric

Lying Hip Thrusts

Holy shit, what a lift, could not be more thrilled my strongest style of deadlift is actually at 500 lbs.  It actually felt like if I had attempted 501 lbs I would have failed.  Like all my deadlifts, the hardest part is the first few inches, once I move it past that i almost always can complete the lift.  When I initiated the pull, I didn't think it was going to move at all, I dug my heals in and kept going.  When at the top of the pull, my grip immediately failed as I refused to use straps here and the weight came back down, but the lockout was clear.  Also, I discovered that 500lbs doesn't fit on this trap bar, so I had to balance the plates on the other plates, they came flying off as the weight came down.  Awesome feeling, a blood blister under my callous, and a great rest of the workout.  I found a way to do hip thrusts again so I can finally increase my ass strength better.

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