Thursday, June 30, 2011
Gorilla Training
Today I decided to give Jason's class a try, a fellow personal training, I believe it's called gorilla training, it certainly was tough but a lot of fun too, a bunch of us out there.
Ball Slams, 15 pound med ball - 1 minute
Ball Throws. 15 pound med ball - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
Russian Kettlebell Swings, 20 kg - 1 minute
Kettlebell Thrusters, 20 kg - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
Parachute Sprints - 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
Tire Rope Pulls - 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
Bag Sprints - 2 minutes
rest 1 minute
Wind Mills with some weird tube thing - 1 minute
Toss and straight arm catch - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
Sledge Hammer Strikes - 1 minute
Box Jumps onto tire - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
TRX Pushups - 1 minute
TRX Inverted Rows - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
Travelling Lunges, 45 pounds - 1 minute
Broad Jumps, 45 pounds - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
Tire Flips - 2 minutes
I dont know the weight of the tires but it was a fun class, very tough, I never counted any reps just gave it my all. The bag sprints were without a doupt the hardest one, the tire flips had my ass and hamstrings lit up. One person showed up late so to go with her a few of us stuck around and did 3 extra rounds, mine were as follows;
Ball Slams - 1 minute
Kettlebell Swings - 1 minute
rest 1 minute
Bag Sprints - 2 minutes (might as well do the hardest again)
rest 1 minute
Sprints with Eric - 2 minutes
On the sprints with Eric I thought I might pass out, he said he thought he was going to throw up, quite the trainers we aree, either way I loved the class and plan on doing it again.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Decided to bump the stretching day up, had some time to kill at the gym so why not, more or less the same, only 30 minutes today due to time contraints.
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Bar Bent Arm Chest stretch - 2x30 seconds
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Standing Splits - 2x30 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
Runners Stretch - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg - 2x30 seconds
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Standing Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
That's all for this one, shoulders are sore from yesterdays workout, nice they are almost never sore.....I blame the snatches.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Full Body
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Kristan Clever |
Lunges - 135(7, 7, 7, 7)
Resistance Band Neutral Grip Pullups with Green Band - 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
4 Rounds, each for time
8 Hang Power Snatches - 95
20 Pushups
rest 1 minute between rounds
Times: 1:05, 1:20, 1:42, 2:02
Hang Squat Cleans - 115 (7, 6, 6)
Great workout, the lunges felt pretty good, in time I will work up to sets of 10, or 20 total, they will suck as one set will take so damn long. The resistance pullups went better than last time, it was 5 sets of 4 last time so an extra rep on the first 3 sets this time. The snatch pushup part was very tough, first time doing snatches in a long time, as the rounds progressed it was the pushups that got the most difficult.....not that the snatches were easy. There is some carry over between the 2 so my arms were pretty dead. Squat cleans are tough after all that so only did 115 for relative max reps, full ROM on all reps though.
One thing I am loving about this new style of training is how I feel afterwards, its an awesome feeling when I finish.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Full Body
New day, mostly heavy today.
Romanian Deadlift/Bent Over Row - 3x6.......135
Box Front Squats - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205
Thruster - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.......95, 115, 135, 155, 165
Kettlebell Swings - 3xmax reps at 24 kg........25, 21, 18
Good workout, the first hybrid exercise I hadn't done in a while but it actually worked the hamstrings and back pretty well I didn't mind it. The box front squats felt really good, I decided to do 6 sets to see if I could in fact do 205 for 5 reps, it was heavy but went well, going from a dead stop each time certainly makes it tough. That's the first time I have ever gone for a heavy weight on the thrusters, also the first time my hip has allowed my to go that low with a weight over 45 pounds. Each rep was below parallel, and 165 was certainly heavy for a triple but I was happy I was able to do that. One thing I like about this style of training is I can do exercises like that for heavy weights, thrusters don't really fit in on any other day on my old training program. The last part was more to get my heart rate up a bit, my grip was the limitting factor there.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Active Recovery/Assistance Work
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Mike Burgener |
Sunday, and a new day in this style of training I am on, the name says it all, and below I will say what my thought process is behind all this. Active recovery means I do not go to failure, although still challenging my muscles.
Alternate Sets
Machine Fly - 2x12.........70
Reverse Machine Fly - 2x12.....70
Lateral Raises - 2x12.......22s
Pulldowns - 2x12.........120
Reverse Grip Pushdowns - 2x12......70, 80
Hammer Curls - 2x12......25s, 30s
Leg Extension - 2x15....140, 170
Hamstring Curls - 2x15.........70
Bycicle - 1 minute
15 Situps
Med Ball Twist (20 lbs) - 1 minute
15 Situps
Plank - 1 minute
15 Situps
Overhead Squats - 2x10.....45
Hang Squat Snatch - 2x10.....45
Actually felt really good, the combination of the reps being high, the relative light weight and only doing 2 sets made my muscles work but not cause any muscular failure. The last part is something I want to try and work on. A combination of a locked ankle and general flexibility makes OH squats tough, so I had my heels really elevated and jsut used the bar. That did allow me to go hamstring to calf though, it actually felt better than I expected I didn't think I'd get that low. That felt good enough I gave some hang squat snatches a try, all went well again and was able to go all the way down, only because my heels were elevated though. In time I will work on making sure my heels are flat but I was happy I was able to do both of those.
Now for my workout scheme, it seems random, and it could be said that it is, but mainly it's a crossfit/powerlifting/bodybuilding combination of training. This past cycle I trained my legs with quad direct exercises 3 times, normally it's only one day but hit really hard on that one day, this spreads them out more through the week. I want to increase my recovery, training the same muscle group multiple times a week, even 2 days in a row is a good way to do that, I just need to be smart about it.
If my legs are crippling sore, I'll let them rest, if they are a little sore I may still train them but won't go to absolute failure. This past Tuesday I trained my legs when they were already sore, I actually felt better afterwards than I did going in, it sped up my recovery while activating my quads again. I also want to try new styles of exercise pairing, heavy metcons I have found on crossfit (like the one I did Thursday). And also I just wanted a change, whether a day is a rest day or a workout day will depend on how my body is feeling. Right now I feel fully recovered, but I want to make sure I keep progressing and keep my training balanced, something that could be easy to forget when designing this style of training.
Over my years of lifting this will be the hardest to program, and I could make mistakeas, but it's still an experiment and I hope it goes well in terms of what my goals are, to become more althetic, more well rounded, and stronger.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
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Lauren Plumey |
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Bar Bent Arm Chest stretch - 2x30 seconds
Skipping Rope Rotations - 2x10 reps
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
Runners Stretch - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg - 2x30 seconds
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Standing Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Foam roll for upper glutes, 5 slow reps
Foam roll lower quads, 5 slow reps
Good Stretch!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Full Body Pushing
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Rory Hanlin |
Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.........205, 225, 245, 265, 275(2)
3 Rounds for time
5 Weighted Dips - 32
7 Dips
9 Clapping Pushups
12 Pushups
Time: 10:11
DB Travelling Lunges - 3x6........65s
Double Unders - 4xmax reps........10, 21, 9, 27
Soooo close of the rack bench press, last time I got 275 for 2 reps, so the same today which sucks but this just pushes me to want to do better, next time I will get 3 of that last set....well I hope. Part 2 was decieving, my arms felt pretty dead each exercise was hard in its own right. The lunges sucked at my energy stores, but being yesterday was so much deadlifts, some lunges felt pretty good. The double unders were more for practise, it says max reps but it's more till I screw up. The last set of 27 was more about me getting tired, the other sets I just tripped up, 27 is a personal best for me on double unders I used to be horrible at them, good workout.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Posterior Chain
Today I hammered my posterior chain, there is nothing left there, no injury just frick this hurt.
Sumo Deadlifts (started from top)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time
Sumo Deadlifts - 225
Box Jumps - 30 inches
Time: 15:51
C2B Chinups - 3xmax reps......8, 7, 6
That hurt, I am very pleased with how the deadlifts went. On the set of 275 I actually lost my focus for a sec and fell a bit forwards and it felt a tad weird on my back, nothing too bad so I decided to keep going. The set at 335 was flippin heavy, but that's what I did last time so up I went, 355 is again the most I have ever done of anything....ya it was heavy for me. I had in my head that maybe I'd try 3, but after the second rep I was done I wouldn't have gotten another, maybe next time. Part 2 was really hard, I got it from sealfit which are notorious for developing very tough workouts. The box jumps actually got easier as it went on, the deads did not, the first set of 10 was good because I went from 355 to 225 so it felt light in comparison, that ended on the set of 9, none of them broken though. The C2B chins were thrown in random, so I guess not an entire posterior chain day, but they were hard after all the deads today. Great workout!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Full Body
Day 2 of my expirement, and boy am I sore from day one, mainly my glutes and hamstrings, quads a tad, but day 2 I feel I had a good one in store.
DB Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.........75s, 80s, 85s, 90s(4), 90s(4)
Single Arm Cable Row - 60(6), 70(6, 6, 6, 6)
Box Front Squats - 135 (10, 8, 8, 8)
Glider Mountain Climbers - 3xmax time
Pushups - 3xmax reps....18, 13, 12
The DB bench press went well, that's the first time I've done it that style since my wrist injury, I wasn't worry about the wrist just paranoid about safely coming out of the exercise, all went well and no handoff needed on any. Single arm cable rows was a new one, 70 became very tough to get 6 reps by the end. Box front squats was also new, it simple, take a bench (or box) and place it behind you, you literally sit down, pause there for one second then stand back up, I really enjoyed that one. I had to make sure I was warmed up my glutes still hurt a lot, mainly why I picked that one it's more quad dominant. The last part was fun too, pushups are a bit tougher after holding the high plank that's needed for the first one, good workout.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Full Body
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Joshua Bridges |
Bulgarian Split Squats - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.......115, 135, 155, 155, 155(4)
Romanian Deadlifts - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6..........135, 185, 205, 225, 225
Power Clean and Split Jerk - 5x3.........135
Alternate Sets
Handstand Pushups - 3xmax reps......11, 8, 6
Wide-Grip Pullups - 3xmax reps........10, 8, 7
So clearly, and as the title indicates, this is a full body workout. Will all my workouts be full body? No, nor will they be any less frequent than my other training program, as I stated earlier this will be an experiment. The BSS got heavy, normally I do them for sets of 3 but felt like sets of 5 today for whatever reason, amazing how only 2 more reps makes the weight you can handle much less. The RDL's felt strong too, even 225 wasn't overly heavy for 6 reps, I'm keeping this exercise slow with increases, next workout I'll work up too 245. The PC and SJ I wanted to focus on max bar speed at that weight, I didn't care about how high the poundages got I just wanted max speed, it felt good too I haven't done split jerks in a while. The last part went well too, man do HSPU's drop, good workout.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Today is conditioning day, and one of the dumbest ones I've had lately, not because of the workout but because of what I forgot, my water. I was maybe 5 minutes from home, I could have easily driven back to grab my water but decided to stay out there and do it. What made it dumb was that this was done outside in the middle a field with no shade and it the sun was beaming down on a hot day. I am used to working out on a hot days, and without shade, but the lack of hydration made the workout almost dangerous, luckily I got through it and am ok now but I'm sure I'll catch some grief for this one, especially from the girlfriend, which I deserve.
4 Rounds for time
400 metre run
25 Kettlebell Swings - 24 kg
25 Jump Squats
Time: 23:33
See, the workout itself is nothing out of the ordinary, I am used to workouts like that, but I honestly felt the no consumption of water. Also normally when I workout outside on hot days I will dump some of it on my head that seems to cool my body down, I think I missed that just as much. I've gone on runs longer than this and was fine but it's the high intensity then short rests that these routines include that made me gasp for breathe, not recommended. If I do this workout again I expect a nice time increase.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Some minor changes today, but a lot the same too.
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Bar Bent Arm Chest stretch - 2x30 seconds
Skipping Rope Rotations - 2x10 reps
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Iso Side Lunge - 4x15 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
Runners Stretch - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Standing Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Foam roll for upper glutes, 5 slow reps
Foam roll lower quads, 5 slow reps
Roll over plantar fascia, 3 slow reps and hold on centre and heel.
Fdelt good, hip has been feeling better. Anyone who does foam rolling or is familiar with the last 3 knows how painful they can be, hard to say if the quad or plantar fascia one hurt more.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Pulling day, another old routine visited, and again slaughtered, one of the biggest differences.
Resistance Band Neutral Grip Pullups, green band - 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Wide Grip Cable Row - 140(6, 6), 150 (5, 5, 5)
AMRAP in 12 minutes
3 Wide-Grip Pullups
5 Neutral Grip Pullups
Score - 11 Rounds plus 1 WGP
Incline Curls - 25s (10, 7, 6)
One and one half hamstring curls - 70 (6, 5, 5)
Last time I did the r-band pullups with the green I got 4, 3, 3, 3, so an extra set today and all sets were 4. Last time it was after many sets of deadlifts, but still I am happy with that. The amrap part I killed my old score, 7 rounds plus 2 NGP was what I got then, I checked my watch after the 8th round and I was at 8:10, so I knew it'd be a big difference. Man I was slow back then, nearly a round a minute, first 2 rounds done in under a minute, next round took a whole minute, after that it was just over a minute a round hense the just under 12 rounds score. Nice workout!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Pushing day, another pr too. On a side note I have a new kind of soreness, the muscles that stabalize you in overhead pressing, squats, and deadlifts are sore today, very sore. It's weird I don't think I've had this soreness before, must have been a combo on the front squats and my conditioning day prior to that. Nothing that'll affect today but deadlifts tomorrow might not be wise.
Incline Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..........170, 190, 210, 220, 230
Bench Press - 5x4........190
Single Arm DB Military Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5.........47, 50, 52, 55, 60(3)
Weighted Dips - 5, 5, 5, 5........55, 60, 65, 70
Flies/Bench Press Combo - 40s......7-5, 6-4, 5-3
Clearly a more strength day today. Last time I went heavy on the incline rack bench press I just....and I mean just got 225, today 230 actually seemed to go up easier, every set was 5 pounds heavier. The bench press went well, but without a spotter it'll be hard to fully progress, I should start asking so I can go right to failure on some sets. Last time I did the overhead press one I stopped at 55, today 60 wasn't going to happen for 5, hopefully next time. Haven't gone heavy on dips in a while but I like that one, last set was close to failure. Overall a good strength day done during a client who cancelled last minute.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Leg day, hip is better but the only real thing that bothers it is full range of motion, so instead of not squatting at all I'll just go to parallel, or the black bench.
Front Squats (to parallelish) - 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3........135, 185, 205, 215, 225, 225, 225, 225
5 Rounds for time
10 Back Squats (to parallelish) - 205
15 Squats
Time: 14:00
Iso Leg Extension - 3xmax time at 110
Calf Raises - 300 (13, 12, 12)
I enjoyed getting a leg day in again, I don't like the limited range of motion though. This was the depth I'd go to for years and made good progress, and I know I can still get a great leg workout so I shouldn't worry, when it heels it heels, at least I'm not bagging off leg training altogether like some would. The front squats at 225 actually felt about as hard as they do when I go all the way down, weird, I must have trained my body into the full rom better. Either way I didn't want to go for a true max today, just slowly work my way back in so keep the weights manageable. Part 2 was tough after 8 sets of front squats, the heavier weight on the back squats means I had to rest a bit longer as to not do singles. The air squats were hamstring to calf though, with no extra load I guess I can still go all the way down. Good overall workout.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
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Stacey Kroon |
Ah Sunday conditioning day, still hate working out on Sundays, didn't feel full energized and my asthma bothered me a bit more than usual but meh a good workout was in store.
5 Rounds for time
10 Box Jumps - 30 inches
10 KB Swings - 24 kg
100 metre row
10 Ball Slams - 20 lb ball
Time: 15:05
10 Rounds for time
2 Power Cleans - 135
2 Push Presses - 135
5 Kipping Pullups
10 Jump Squats
Time: 18:39
3x10 of each
Overhead Situps - 20 lb ball
The first part was tough, I guess the box jumps were the toughest part, nothing else was really broken. The harder part was following it with an even longer routine, normally they would be reversed. The rounds were quicker than the first one but twice as many, the only part broken was the jump squats and that was more to catch my breath, by rounds 7 and on they were no longer broken. First time doing at least 135 on power cleans since my wrist injury and they felt fine, as did the push presses. Good overall workout!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Stretching day, same as last time again, but I will keep posting it to hold me accountable.
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Bar Bent Arm Chest stretch - 2x30 seconds
Skipping Rope Rotations - 2x10 reps
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Iso Side Lunge - 4x15 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
Runners Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Knee Flex on apparatus - 2x30 seconds
Lying Prone Advanced - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Standing Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Felt good, like always.
Friday, June 10, 2011
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Camille Beblanc-Bazinet |
Pulling day
Weighted Pullups - 5x5.......55 on all sets
Sumo Deadlifts - 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.........135, 185, 225, 245, 255
Cabe Row - 150 (10, 8, 8, 7, 7)
Single Leg Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl -
R-Band Curls - band
Seems kind of short but it was a tough day. The pullups were really close, last time I used a 50, got all the reps so went up, today again I got all the reps with good form but it wasn't easy. The deadlifts were without question the hardest part, high rep deadlifts can be just as hard as high rep squats, I was happy I was able do to 255 for 10 reps though. The cable row went well, and after that had time for some quick hamstring and bicep isolation movements, good workout.....high rep deadlifts suck.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
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Annie Thorisdottir |
Rack Bench Press - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3..........205, 225, 245, 265, 275(2)
Incline DB Bench Press - 70s(5), 75s(5, 5, 5, 5)
6 Rounds for time
3 Handstand Pushups
10 Pushups
Time: 8:41
Overhead Tricep Extension - 90 (8, 6, 6)
DB Incline Flies - 35s (10, 8, 8)
First, last time I went heavy on rack bench press, when 265 came around I only got 2, today I got 3. On 275 I only got 1, today I got 2, I tried the third my arms didn`t let me, so nice progression there. The incline bench I had to use was the one I don`t like, it`s steeper than what I usually use to the weights were a tad less, not too bad though. Last time I did part 3 I got 12:28, yikes that`s one heck of an improvement. I figured I`d be just a bit faster on this one, due to forgetfullness I haven`t done handstand pushups a whole lot lately so I wasn`t sure how this would go. For me they start off great then drop like a rocket, today was no exception but I moved fast. I`ve been visiting more old routines lately and have loved my improved time, shows the program I am on is actually working for me.
Monday, June 6, 2011
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You better know |
10 Rounds, each for time
Around the Block Run - just under 400 metres
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Son of a bitch, that was not easy at all. Long time ago I did a workout similar, it was 5 rounds intead of 10, but 400 metre run instead of just under it, nevertheless back then it destroyed me I wanted so badly to quit after the 3rd or 4th round, I finished but was completely wiped. Back then, almost exactly 2 years ago, I rested 2:30 seconds between also, was 10 pounds lighter, and finished the 5 rounds in a total time of 6:39. Today, with 30 seconds less rest, at 5 rounds I was at 6:21, less metres, but less rest so who knows, but it's also worth noting that the last 5 rounds totalled 6:44, again less metres, but also less rest and AFTER 5 rounds, that sounds better. Either way I am pleased I hadn't intended on doing 10 rounds when the workout started but felt good so decided to keep going, at 7 rounds I could hardly stand during the rest periods (which by the end were not long enough) but thought I'd gone that far so I might as well keep going to 10. Tough workout, but very pleased with result, I will be skipping my next leg day to let my hip heal.
Side note, I did around the block run before in the winter with burpees, and then listed it as just over 400 metres, but the burpees were done in my backyard so I had to run farther, today the runs started and ended on the road.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Stretching day, hip still sore if it's not any better by Wednesday I will skip my leg day because I want the issue to go away.
Hanging Bar Lat stretch - 2x30 seconds
Cable Row Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Bar Bent Arm Chest stretch - 2x30 seconds
Skipping Rope Rotations - 2x10 reps
IT Band
Pigeon - 2x30 seconds
Seated Feet together - 2x30 seconds
Iso Side Lunge - 4x15 seconds
Hip Flexor/Quad
Modified Lunge with back knee flexed - 2x30 seconds
Runners Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Knee Flex on apparatus - 2x30 seconds
Lying Prone Advanced - 2x30 seconds
BO soft knees - 2x30 seconds
Seated Straight Leg
Seated Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
Standing Loaded Stretch - 2x30 seconds
With a little extra work on my hip at the end, more or less this was the same as last day, I realize these days are important to avoid further issues. I read before that lifters with long limbs are more prone to injuries, lucky me.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
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Wide Neutral Grip Cable Row - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5........120, 130, 140, 150, 160
Romanian Deadlifts - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6...........135, 185, 205, 205, 205
For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of kipping pullups, between every set perform 8 inverted rows
So you perform 10 kipping pullups then 8 inverted rows, 9 kipping pullups then 8 inverted rows, all the way to 1 kipping pullup while the rows stay at 8.
Time: 10:31
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl - BWx50
Incline Curls - 25sx30
Last time I did the wide neutral rows I couldn't fully pull in 160, today actually felt like I could have done 170, felt strong on that one. The RDL's went well too, I am making sure I progress slowly on them, next time I will go to 225. Part 3 is a revisited routine, last time I did this in 13:45, so over 3 minute improvement which is very nice. I have been enjoying doing old routines as of late, they have all been nice improvements so it shows I am not wasting my time in the gym I am still progressing nicely. The girls in the picture are cute, but it's what's written on there arms as to why I posted the picture......does anyone believe that?
Friday, June 3, 2011
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Adrian Bozman |
Pushing day, more strength focussed this day.
Military Press - 135 (4, 4, 4, 4, 3)
DB Piston Bench Press - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5..........60s, 65s, 70s, 75s, 80s
Decline Bench Press - 185(5), 205(5), 225(3, 3), 185(6)
Pushups - 3xmax reps.........34, 18, 17
Drop Sets
Pushdowns - 120 to 60........8-10, 6-7
Machine Flies - 100-50..........6-6, 4-5
Felt weaker on the first part, the military presses, but overall it wasn't too bad to get a total of 19 reps with 135, next time I will shoot for 20. I am very pleased the piston presses, it's the first time I have been allowed to use dumbbells for bench press again, my wrist felt it ever so slightly bringing them into position but was pain free during, pleased I was able to do that exercise with the 80s too. Decline went well too, I was nervous on the second set of 225, this workout was done early in the morning and there was no one to spot me, if I got pinned I'd be in trouble, the 3 reps went ok though, had I had the option of a spot my last set would have been at 225 also not 185. Overall very good workout.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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Tony Budding |
Leg day, had be to wary of my hip, no worse but doesnt seem to be better either, just had to alter an exercise.
Bulgarian Split Squats - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3......135, 145, 155, 165, 175
Back Squats (to bench, parallelish) - 10, 10, 10, 10......135, 155, 185, 205
For time
50 Back Squats (to bench) - 225
Time 12:18
Single Leg-Leg Press - 3x6.........90
Leg Extension - 200x50
Calf Raises - 260x50
A good leg day, the heaviest I have gone on the bulgarian split squats is 165, 175 was very heavy today, but all reps completed with good form. The back squats for 10 reps was more to test out my hip, not going all the way down like I am used to and it actually felt pretty good. When I got to part 3 I hadn't decided what I was going to do yet, I was just going to set a timer and start squatting. Back squats heavy has always made me nervous as that's the main exercise that I've heard my back on, plus I wanted to be careful with my hip, both were fine during this portion. 225 is no longer heavy for me on back squats when I only go to parallel, so it was ok to do (not heavy in the sense that it's not near my max). I call this a heavy I am forced to take slightly longer than usual breaks unless I want to only be doing singles, most were sets of 5 or 6. Good workout overall although I wish my hip would heal.
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