What a 375 lb DB looks like |
Wide Neutral-Grip Cable Row - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5......110, 130, 140, 150 160(3)
Weighted Pullups - 5x6......42s on all sets
For time
40 Single Arm DB Rows - 70 (40 per arm)
40 Chinups
Time: 13:40
Preacher Curl - 50(10), 60(7), 60(6.5)
Focussed on strict form on the cable rows, no momentum and nice and upright, wide grip is certainly harder than the usual v-bar grip. Weighted pullups went well, was very close to not getting 6 on the last 2 sets. Part 3 was being made up as I went based on my time, the rows took maybe 6:30 or so, overall good workout.